Ensuring Equal Opportunities in Recruitment

Our Strategy to Hiring Bias


AI Enabled Hiring

AI-enabled hiring leverages algorithms to mitigate bias, ensuring fair assessment based solely on qualifications. It removes human prejudices, promoting equity in the recruitment process.


Automated Screening

The chatbot presents uniform queries, gathers answers, and utilizes NLP and ML algorithms for assessment, guaranteeing streamlined and uniform candidate evaluation.


Metrics and Analytics

Tracking and analyzing recruitment metrics such as candidate demographics, hiring outcomes, and retention rates to identify potential biases and areas for improvement.


Comprehensive Feedback

Providing candidates with opportunities to provide feedback on their experience during the recruitment process, which can help identify areas where bias may have occurred.

Framework designed to mitigate biased assessments

Acknowledging the influence of interview bias, our AI-driven methodology standardizes interviews through predetermined questions, reducing unconscious biases and establishing impartial data for fair hiring determinations.

Fair Evaluation Workshops for Interviewers

At the core of the comprehensive AI tool lies the evaluation of each interviewer, providing metrics for the hiring manager’s scrutiny. This streamlined procedure enables hiring managers to identify focal points for training and enhancing the hiring process, free from interview biases.

Varied Global Interview Team

Veriklick offers a video interview platform enabling global participation for candidates and interviewers. Our AI-integrated interview tool facilitates real-time sharing and viewing of interview structures worldwide. Engaging individuals from diverse backgrounds and countries on the interview panel ensures comprehensive evaluation and varied perspectives.

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