We offer a real-time, multi-factor authentication platform

Our Science at Veriklick


Securing Optimal Talent

Choose a candidate with necessary qualifications for a harmonious alignment with the role


Verified Real Candidates

Efficiently handle feedback and pipeline tasks with comprehensive Calendar Integration


Short Hiring Cycles

Efficiently identify, screen, and onboard candidates to satisfy pressing recruitment needs


Simplified process

We customize our technology and services to fit those needs


VeriKlick presents a comprehensive Video Interviewing Management System (IMS), incorporating real-time video capabilities, technical assessments, and an AI-powered Dashboard and Analytics.

Distinguished by its patent-pending technology, VeriKlick stands as the sole platform employing real-time data to authenticate candidates throughout the hiring process, ensuring precision in interviewing, recruiting, and hiring decisions.

The AI-powered intelligent search functionality effectively sieves through resumes, swiftly identifying and excluding fraudulent candidates. Leveraging VeriKlick’s proprietary biometric technology, candidate verification occurs seamlessly in real-time, offering a holistic solution that optimizes cost-per-hire and liberates organizational resources.


Talent Acquisition Catalyst: Empowering the Hiring Ecosystem for Success

Top-rated Interviewer Network
Top-rated Interviewer Network

A varied group of skilled interviewers, proficient in both technical and non-technical areas, offering the most extensive and thorough selection of screened interviewers.

Secure and Interactive Video Platform
Secure and Interactive Video Platform

Secure and interactive live video interviews platform, which offers a seamless and protected environment for conducting interviews, ensuring both privacy and convenience.

Reliability and Excellence
Reliability and Excellence

Enjoy unparalleled consistency and exceptional quality throughout your interview process ensuring standardized and dependable assessments that generate accurate and reliable outcomes.

Positive Candidate Experience
Positive Candidate Experience

Emphasize candidate satisfaction, cultivating a positive and engaging ambiance throughout the interview process, leaving candidates inspired and energized.

Comprehensive Question Collection
Comprehensive Question Collection

Gain access to extensive question library, offering a wide array of interview questions across various domains and roles, guaranteeing comprehensive coverage for thorough evaluations.

Strong Reporting
Strong Reporting

Presents strong reporting process, which ensures the integrity and fairness of your interviews through comprehensive checks and measures, maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability.


Clients Served


Skills Covered


Interviewers OnBoarded

0 K

Hours Saved


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